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NC Department of Health and Human Services
NC Division of Public Health
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Programs & Services

HIV/STD Testing and Prevention

To prevent and control HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, the Division of Public Heatlh Communicable Disease Branch supports confidential free testing and treatment in many diverse settings, including community-based organizations (CBOs) and correctional facilities, as well as in local health departments. Find your local health department. External link

National HIV Testing Day

Integrated Targeted Testing Services (ITTS) Project

The North Carolina ITTS projects provide HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and hepatitis C testing in areas frequented by people at high risk.  These projects also ensure that clients testing positive are successfully linked with medical care and other services by providing active follow-up and referrals to local providers and/or Patient Management Networks for HIV Care coordinators.  These providers/coordinators make calls to providers, arrange transportation and/or provide other support.  ITTS projects reach men who have sex with men, racial and ethnic minorities, people living with HIV/AIDS that are unaware of their status, as well as other at-risk populations.  Testing is offered in community settings or at fixed testing sites including homeless shelters, jails, drug treatment centers, migrant health centers, nightclubs and colleges.  ITTS projects provide services at hours and locations that are accessible to people at highest risk for HIV, and help to identify those who are unaware of their HIV status and actively facilitate getting them into treatment and prevention services. 

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Rapid Testing Program

The Rapid Testing Program was originally designed to increase the number of high-risk individuals being tested for HIV and to disclose preliminary test results to individuals who may not return for a traditional blood test result. The Rapid Testing Program has expanded and now offers a plethora of testing options. The program currently offers free rapid HIV, HCV and syphilis test kits and controls to enrolled agencies that have been trained to administer the tests. Rapid tests can be processed in 60 seconds to 20 minutes, depending on the manufacturer or brand, making it possible to provide HIV/HCV/STD education, preliminary test results and linkage to care and treatment. The Rapid Testing Program is supported by both state and federal funds. Free rapid-test kits and controls are available to community-based organizations, local health departments, federally qualified health centers, syringe exchange programs and universities.

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Department of Correction and Jail Screening Programs

The NCDHHS Division of Public Health has partnered with the NC Department of Correction to ensure that all inmates receive HIV opt-out testing at intake into the state's prison system. This testing began in the fall of 2008. Since then, over 20,000 inmates have been tested annually through the program. The DPH Communicable Disease Branch conducted training for Correction nursing staff to aid them in the switch from risk-based testing to routine HIV testing.

The Communicable Disease Branch receives CDC funds for HIV and STD testing in jails. Those funds go to community-based organizations (CBOs) and local health departments to provide testing for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and hepatitis C in selected jails throughout the state.

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Community Health Center Testing Program

The Communicable Disease Branch supports routine, confidential HIV testing in federally qualified community health centers across the state and provides them with training, technical assistance and free HIV rapid test kits.

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NCPrEP Project

The NCPrEP Project is a statewide initiative spearheaded by the Division of Public Health, NC Communicable Disease Branch (CDB) to boost awareness and expand access to PrEP services across North Carolina. By deploying a dedicated statewide PrEP Coordinator alongside four regional coordinators, this project aims to enhance support for local prevention partners, particularly targeting high-risk groups such as young African American men who have sex with men (MSM). However, PrEP is beneficial for anyone at elevated risk for HIV.

For our HIV/STD Funded Agencies who make referrals for eligible clients, the following documents are available with instructions.

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North Carolina PrEP Pocket Guide

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medicine that can reduce your chance of getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV, but remember, PrEP protects you against HIV, but not against other STDs.

The North Carolina PrEP guide provides important information about how to pay for PrEP and finding a PrEP provider near you.

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