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Stop HIV Stigma Toolkit
Looking for content to challenge HIV stigma? We've got you covered! This edition of our Let's Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit contains ready-to-go messages for posting on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
You can raise awareness of HIV testing, address stigma and other barriers that prevent access to care, and encourage people to get tested and know their status using Let's Stop HIV Together campaign resources.
Let's Stop HIV Together aims to empower communities, partners, and healthcare providers to reduce HIV stigma and promote prevention, testing, and treatment among all people in the United States. With campaign resources, partners and other organizations can play a role in preventing HIV and helping people with HIV stay healthy. The Let's Stop HIV Together campaign is part of the national Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) initiative.
Share these posts and images on social media tagging #StopHIVStigma and #StopHIVTogether anytime throughout the year!.
Follow and tag @NCDHHS on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Share some of the social media posts below to spark conversations about HIV and highlight progress being made to reduce HIV in North Carolina and the United States. Use the hashtags: #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Simply click the images in the left column to download. The written samples in the right column can be used for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts. Keep in mind, however, that URLs do not become active links when used in a feed post on Instagram. If you would like to direct Instagram users to an external webpage, you can do so in a story post by using the “link” button.
Stopping #HIV stigma starts with YOU! Be intentional about the words you choose. Get the facts about HIV and educate others: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
The H in HIV stands for human. #HIV can affect anyone regardless of their sexual orientation, race, gender, or age. Let's educate ourselves and one another about the facts and #StopHIVStigma. Learn how: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma #StopHIVTogether
Stigma can happen anywhere. It's time to do our part to #StopHIVStigma. Find ways to speak up against #HIV stigma: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma #StopHIVTogether
Let's remember ways you WON'T get HIV↓
✖ sitting near someone who has HIV.
✖ eating food prepared by someone who has HIV.
✖ having sex with someone with an undetectable viral load.
Learn more to #StopHIVStigma: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma
HIV stigma negatively impacts everyone's health, regardless of a person's #HIV status. Take steps to help #StopHIVStigma in your community. Learn how: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma #StopHIVTogether
Let's lead with love and not hate. We must #stopHIVstigma together. Learn how to talk about #HIV to avoid stigma: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma #StopHIVTogether
Providers: Be aware of #HIV stigma helps create an inclusive environment for people with HIV. Learn more about avoiding stigma at https://bit.ly/2PISW9Z. #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Combating #stigma is critical to getting to no new #HIV cases in the U.S. Encourage others to get tested and speak out against HIV stigma. Learn how: https://bit.ly/2lEPTls. #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Together, we can all combat #HIV stigma. Everyone deserves #support. Learn more at https://bit.ly/2oDCBdD. #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Together, we can change attitudes and #StopHIVStigma. Learn how: https://bit.ly/2PISW9Z. #StopHIVTogether
#DYK stigma against youth (ages 13-24) with #HIV can cause them to not get the care they need? How we talk about HIV matters. Learn more: https://bit.ly/2sF9B4D. #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Stigma, fear, and discrimination can be barriers to #HIV testing and treatment. It is time for this to change! Visit www.cdc.gov/StopHIVStigma to see how you can help make a difference. #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
PrEP is for anyone who can benefit from it. Talk about #PrEP to #StopHIVStigma. Let's educate our partners and friends about the effectiveness and benefits of PrEP. #StopHIVTogether. Visit www.cdc.gov/StopHIVStigma
Friends don't let friends perpetuate #HIVstigma. If you have a friend with #HIV, offer support by learning the facts and discovering ways to #StopHIVStigma. Learn more by visiting: https://bit.ly/2P55FW5 #StopHIVTogether
#DYK that you can help end harmful stress for people with #HIV simply by being supportive, and letting people living with HIV know they are not alone? To learn more, visit: www.cdc.gov/StopHIVStigma #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Your voice matters! Speak up when you hear untrue or stigmatizing comments to #StopHIVStigma. Learn more: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma #StopHIVTogether
We can help #StopHIVStigma by being intentional and thoughtful in how we talk about people, health, and experiences. Learn how you can do your part: https://bit.ly/32wyOQl. #StopHIVTogether
We stand with #LGBTQ communities everywhere and against all forms of discrimination. We see you and value your lived experiences because we are all in this TOGETHER! Support others and #StopHIVStigma. Learn more: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether #StopHIVTogether
Brian worked to overcome the stigma and shame he felt about having HIV, so that he could find his path. In this quote, he shares what he would tell his former self when he was diagnosed with HIV and in recovery from injection drug use. We need to do our part to #StopHIVStigma. Learn more: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether #StopHIVTogether
Fear perpetuates stigma and stigma can stop the people we love from getting and staying in #HIV care. Support others and #StopHIVStigma. Learn more: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether #StopHIVTogether
Stopping #HIV stigma starts with YOU! Be intentional about the words you choose. Get the facts about HIV and educate others: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Stopping #HIV stigma starts with YOU! Be intentional about the words you choose. Get the facts about HIV and educate others: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Stopping #HIV stigma starts with YOU! Be intentional about the words you choose. Get the facts about HIV and educate others: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Stopping #HIV stigma starts with YOU! Be intentional about the words you choose. Get the facts about HIV and educate others: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Spanish: Pequeños gestos pueden ayudar a detener el #EstigmaDelVIH. Un saludo o un abrazo pueden expresarle a alguien querido que “tú importas, independientemente de si tienes o no el #VIH.” #DetengamosJuntosElVIH
English: Small gestures can help stop #HIVStigma. A handshake or hug can say “you matter, not your #HIV status.” #StopHIVTogether
Spanish: Si cada uno de nosotros se compromete a hacer cambios positivos en nuestras familias y comunidades, podemos ayudar a detener el #EstigmaDelVIH. Encuentra maneras de comenzar aquí: https://bit.ly/2Bv8Pyl #DetengamosJuntosElVIH
English: If each of us commits to making positive changes in our families and communities, we can help end #HIVstigma and work to stop HIV together. Find ways to get you started here: https://bit.ly/34YEQYC #StopHIVTogether
Spanish: El #EstigmaDelVIH se basa en creencias negativas que llevan a la discriminación de las personas que tienen el VIH. Cuando apoyamos a las personas que tienen el #VIH, les facilitamos que lleven una vida saludable. Aprende más: https://bit.ly/37bGTtK #DetengamosJuntosElVIH
English: #HIV stigma is based on negative beliefs that result in discrimination against people living with HIV. When we support people with HIV, we make it easier for them to lead healthy lives. Learn more: https://bit.ly/37cmiFW #StopHIVTogether
Spanish: Aprende sobre cómo puedes ayudar a detener el #EstigmaDelVIH: https://bit.ly/37bGTtK #DetengamosJuntosElVIH
English: Learn how you can help #StopHIVstigma: https://bit.ly/37cmiFW #StopHIVTogether
Spanish: Una manera en que podemos crear un mundo sin #EstigmaDelVIH es ser conscientes de las palabras que elegimos. Revisa esta guía de lenguaje para detener el estigma: http://bit.ly/2t5taWN #DetengamosJuntosElVIH
English: One way we can create a world without #HIV stigma is to be aware of the words we choose. Review this language guide to stop stigma: https://bit.ly/34YEQYC #StopHIVTogether
Spanish: ¿Sabías que tratar a alguien diferente porque tiene el #VIH es un ejemplo de estigma? Aprende más aquí: https://bit.ly/37bGTtK #DetengamosJuntosElVIH
English: Did you know that treating someone different because of their HIV status is an example of stigma? Learn more here: https://bit.ly/2smEi1q #StopHIVTogether
Content Source:
Stop HIV Stigma CDC:
Multi-topic Toolkit (March 2020) CDC:
Multi-topic Toolkit (Nov 2019)
Media Toolkit: Spanish Edition | Partner With Us | Let's Stop HIV Together | CDC